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Sakarya University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing;

The undergraduate program was evaluated for the first time by the Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Nursing Education Programs (AEAP) in accordance with the "HEPDAK Nursing Undergraduate Program Standards Version: 1.0- 13.09.2013" and accredited for two years with an "interim visit" decision (06.04.2017-04.04.2019).

The evaluation was carried out with the institution's Interim Evaluation Report (IER) and the interim visit conducted on December 16-18, 2018 and HEPDAK Nursing Undergraduate Program Standards Version: 1.0-13.09.2013.

As a result of the "interim evaluation with visit" application we made to the Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Nursing Education Programs (HEPDAK) regarding the accreditation of the Nursing Undergraduate Program in the 2018-2019 period, all necessary evaluations and visits were made, and at the meeting of the Nursing Education Programs Accreditation Board (HEAK) on 04.04.2019, the Nursing Undergraduate Program of our Faculty was accredited for three years with the decision of "extension with visit" until September 30, 2022 (01.04.2019-30.09.2022).

At the end of the 2023-2024 period evaluation according to HEPDAK Standards, it was decided to accredit Sakarya University Faculty of Health Sciences Nursing Undergraduate Program for three years with the decision of "Extension by Visit" to be valid from 27.03.2024 until 30.09.2027.
