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Career Planning


Due to technological, economic and sociological changes in the business world, individuals have to keep up with change. Individuals feel the need to make career planning in order to adapt to future changes and to reduce job worries in the future.

According to the Turkish Language Institution, the concept of career is defined as "the stage, success and expertise achieved through time and work in a profession" (http://www.tdk.gov.tr). Today, career is seen as a phenomenon that is shaped by the responsibility of the individual and supported by the organization in this regard. Career planning, on the other hand, can be defined as revealing one's strengths and sides that need to be developed, determining career goals according to knowledge, skills and interests, evaluating the opportunities and options in front of him/her, making time planning and programming on how to reach these goals.

Career has a significant impact on quality of life and life satisfaction in human life. This is because individuals are happy if they choose a profession that is suitable for their knowledge and skills, and unhappy if they choose a profession that is not suitable for their personality structure. While individual career planning is being done, it is very important that the chosen profession is compatible with the expectations and goals of the individual.

Why is Career Planning Necessary?

People's ability to compete in the competitive environment in the business world and their desire to improve their quality of life are among the reasons that push them to career planning. Although the process of making and implementing a career plan is long and tiring, the success and career achieved is the best reward for the effort and effort. Career planning stages should be carried out as follows:

* What do I want? What do I want for myself and my future? What are my goals?

*What are my weaknesses and strengths? How can I turn my weaknesses into strengths?

*In which field and in which position do I want to work? Is this job suitable for me?

*Am I suitable for this job? Am I in a position to carry the responsibilities that the job will impose on me? Am I competent? Can I overcome the tasks assigned to me?

*What should I do to be suitable for this job? How can I overcome my deficiencies?

By answering individual questions such as the ones above, the individual makes his/her individual career plan.

Career planning can be done not only by working people but also by students who will start their working life. Students should search for the most suitable job after determining their own goals, interests and abilities. Students can do internships or attend courses to gain work-related experience.

Our aim is to help students make the best use of their education process and help them plan their careers after graduation in areas suitable for their skills, abilities and competencies. A career counseling module has been developed to create career awareness and support our students in their career journey. Access to the career counseling module developed at our university is described below.



Our students can get information, suggestions and support about their career planning from the lecturer they want by entering the link https://danisman.sabis.sakarya.edu.tr.

Our lecturers, on the other hand, will be able to log in to the Academic Information System through the SABIS system, access the "Advising Management" tab and log in to the "Career Counseling" menu.